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Digital Distribution Tips for Your Next Film

Film making will always be hard. But film distribution doesn’t need to be.

Filmmakers often see distributors as gatekeepers, and it’s easy to understand why. Traditional film distribution can be a black box, with no transparency about the process, hidden charges, and long-term royalty cuts for a one-time service.

But here’s the good news: there are alternatives today, like self-distribution, which gives you more control over your film’s business.

If you’re an independent filmmaker looking to self-distribute your next project, here are four things to keep in mind:

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Start with a festival run

Film festivals are fantastic for getting your film in front of industry pros, critics, and audiences. A successful festival run can really boost your film’s visibility and up your chances of landing a digital distribution deal.

But don’t just submit to every festival out there. Be strategic and target festivals that appreciate films similar to yours in budget and genre. Remember, Cannes isn’t for every film, and not every film is for Cannes.

Another great thing about film festivals is the chance to learn from your peers and pick up on the latest trends and strategies in film distribution. It’s a valuable experience that can help you make smarter decisions for your film’s future.

Research and choose the right platform

Every digital platform is different and has its own requirements, advantages, and limitations.

First, figure out where your target audience hangs out. For instance, younger viewers might lean towards Prime Video and Hulu, while film buffs might prefer MUBI or the Criterion Channel.

Different platforms also have different ways of making money, like subscription-based (SVOD), ad-supported (AVOD), and transactional (TVOD). Think about how each model fits with your financial goals and distribution plan. SVOD platforms offer recurring revenue but might require exclusivity, whereas TVOD lets you sell your film on a one-time purchase basis without any long-term commitments.
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Get the Film Distribution Cheat Sheet

Your film is ready, but what comes next? Download Bitmax’s Film Distribution Cheat Sheet to find out 15 things you need to check to prepare film for release.


Build a strong pitch

Develop a compelling pitch that highlights your film’s unique aspects. Make sure your marketing material, including trailer, poster, press kit, is of high quality and meets the standards of your target platform.

Also, don’t forget to optimize your film’s metadata. That means getting the title, description, keywords, and genre tags just right for search engines and platform algorithms. This step can boost your film’s discoverability on digital platforms and help you attract more viewers.

Remember, each digital platform has its own technical requirements. You’ll need to make sure your film meets their quality control standards and is free from common issues like framing errors, black frames, ghosting, and the lack of closed captions. Getting these details right can make a big difference in how your film is received.

Create online buzz and engagement

A strong online presence can significantly improve your film’s distribution prospects.

Create accounts for your film on major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok, and YouTube. Each platform offers unique opportunities to connect with your audience and share updates about your project. Use these channels to share reviews, engage with fans, and leverage word-of-mouth promotion to boost your film’s visibility and credibility.